How do we empower ourselves to make courageous and meaningful decisions?

The Rosh Chodesh Society’s upcoming course, One Wow Moment, takes a scholarly peek at pivotal moments of personal decision within the lives of seven women of biblical fame, and investigates the psychology and internal strengths that propelled these women, with remarkable effectiveness, across chasms of doubt and timidity. Recognizing that modern life rears a rapid series of crossroads bearing mixed signals, this course is a valuable and intriguing guide to exerting confidence, courage, empowerment, altruism, and deeper purpose when faced with unexpected opportunity, personal dilemmas, and moments of consequential decision.

Register Here
$118 course fee including the student book
Join us for this 7-Lesson Course
First Monday of the month at 7:00pm
Calendar: Nov 6, Jan 8, Feb 12, Mar 4, Apr 8, May 6, June 10

At Chabad of Bethesda
5324 Goldsboro Rd., Bethesda

Two Views of You
Overcoming Inclination via an External Perspective

All humans suffer from unconscious bias; we are too close emotionally to our internal trees to see our forest with full objectivity. This lesson analyzes a slice of the life of our Matriarch Sarah, to demonstrate that the seemingly laudable might be unsound, and to reveal a G d sent solution.

Monday, November 6, 2023 

Desirable Duplicity
Being Jewish in All of Life’s Roles

We seek meaningful lives, but our material needs swallow our time and focus. Our Matriarch Rebecca’s twins embodied the clash between untethered spirituality and untamed materiality. This lesson explores Rebecca’s solution to this impasse as a guide for our own lives.

Monday, January 8, 2024 

Mother of Devotion
The Limits of Sacrifice

Humans are primed for self-preservation, not to sacrifice their interests or assets for others. Does Judaism expect us to make such sacrifices, and if so, to what degree? This lesson analyzes the life of our Matriarch Rachel, for inspiration and guidance on the value of acting altruistically.

Monday, February 12, 2024 

Using Every Resource for G‑d’s Purpose

Talent, time, funds, friendship, position, personality; are our resources truly ours? Which of them does Judaism expect us to devote to a higher purpose, and to what extent? This lesson consults Queen Esther; her answers guide us toward a comprehensively meaningful existence.

Monday, March 4, 2024 

Against the Tide
Acting Morally in an Immoral Society

Judaism promotes cohesiveness and community, but not if the result is morally repugnant. It can be incredibly difficult to resist social or peer pressure. This lesson analyzes a moment in the life of heroic Princess Batya, providing us with tangible tools for handling such pressure.

Monday, April 8, 2024 

  Lesson 4

Affection in Direction
Rebuking with Love and Respect

Life includes being redirected and redirecting others. This lesson probes the story of Abigail, a wise woman who rebuked a king, to reveal the empathetic motivation underlying her rebuke and to discover Judaism’s secret of successful intervention and redirection.
      Monday, May 6, 2024 

07/ RUTH
Stepping Up
Opting for Tough but True

Is there anything wrong with selecting the easiest, least burdensome path at each personal crossroads? This lesson examines the story of Ruth, which highlights shouldering instead of shirking responsibility, unveils our true self-worth, and guides us toward unexpected power.

Monday, June 10, 2024