At Chabad of Bethesda
Holiday Date
September 22 - October 2, 2025

High Holiday 2024 Reservation Form

    • High Holidays 2024 Reservations

      2. As always there is no required payment for reservations. Please consider making a donation to Chabad when reserving.
      3. There will be multiple services during the High Holidays. Please indicate which services you wish to attend. 
      4. All services have a limited attendance capacity. Each service will remain open until its capacity has reached it maximum.
      5. When a particular service fills with maximum reservations, one can then choose to be waitlisted for their preferred service. You will be notified if capacity opens up.
      6. All areas used for services will be sanitized before and after each services session.


  • Donations

    This year as with all years, we do not require payment for our High Holiday reservations. However, we encourage you to strongly consider helping us cover the regular and increased costs of High Holiday services in addition to helping support Chabad in all of its communal activities. Suggested High Holiday Reservation Donations are $180 per adult, $50 per child.

    If you're not ready yet to attend services, you may still choose to sponsor seats and to help Chabad provide YomTov programming for the community. 

  • $0.00
    Credit Card
    Please make check out 'Chabad of Bethesda' and indicate 'High Holiday Donation' in memo line
    Billing Address
  • Should be Empty:
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